sábado, 20 de dezembro de 2008
Olá pessoal,
Estou aqui para convidá-los para a abertura da minha nova loja, Cintia Designs.
Não assino mais como Cintia Zs Designs e sim como Cintia Designs.
Os meus arquivos que começavam com czs, agora começam com cds.
Tirei o Zs, porque achei que não havia necessidade de uma sigla de meu sobrenome, basta Cintia Designs.
A loja inaugura amanhã 15/12
Espero vocês lá, e vai ter um desconto de 35% para quem comprar algum produto.
Um beijão.
________________________I´m Cintia Designs, known previously as Cintia Zs Designs.Currently I sign only as Cintia Designs. Almost all the old products Cintia Zs Designs meet here now as only Cintia Designs.My initials are not more czs. Now the correct is cds. All the products now start with the initials cds.Here you will find wonderful digital scrapbooking products.All my products are in the highest quality and resolutions, all 300dpi.Papers are 12 inches x 12 inches, JPG format; Elements, overlays and templates, PNG format; Brush, ABR format; Custom Shapes, CSH format; Styles, ASL format; Actions, ATN format (only for Photoshop CS2 and CS3 English).Read my TOU´s before buying some product.If you have any questions, please contact me at
admin@cintiadesigns.comI will get back to you as soon as I can. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.I hope you like and take advantage! Good purchases! Thank you!
Cintia Designs
posted by Cássia Garcia at 10:36 |
Permalink |
Obrigada AMIGA :D
TE guardo aqui ó S2
Te amo muitão
Oi Cá! Saudades de ti menina!
Faz tempo que não venho em teu blog né?Adorei o novo visual do blog :)
Vim para te desejar um feliz ano novo, cheio de mta paz, alegrias e mtas conquistas e tbm para agradecer pelo selinho, e te peço desculpas pela demora de responder, eu estive ausente do blog por motivos de saúde, mas eu coloquei o selinho na lateral do blog tá?
Um bjo de quem te gosta mt!
Oi Cássinha!
Tem um presentinho pra você lá no meu blog.
Um bjo!
Oi Cássia
Tudo bem com vc,quanto tempo!!!
Tem um presente pra vc no meu blog,tá???
Cassinha, que saudades...
Adorei o novo LO e saber da Loja, parabéns!
Minha querida, tem um presentinho para voce, lá no blog.
Espero que aceite, pois é de coração.
Bjs e ótimo fim de semana.
Oh Cássia
Cadê você
Eu vim aqui
Só prá te ver
Saudades viu Nêga Véia
Mil beijos
Sueli Colbert
The purpose of Clomid remedial programme in treating infertility is to decree conformist ovulation rather than cause the growth of numerous eggs. Once ovulation is established, there is no gain to increasing the dosage aid . Numerous studies advertise that pregnancy almost always occurs during the elementary three months of infertility analysis and treatment beyond six months is not recommended. Clomid can root side effects such as ovarian hyperstimulation (rare), visual disturbances, nausea, diminished "quality" of the cervical mucus, multiple births, and others.
Clomid is in many cases prescribed at near generalists as a "first activity" ovulation induction therapy. Most patients should weather the fertility "workup" former to start any therapy. There could be varied causes of infertility in addition to ovulatory disorders, including endometriosis, tubal infection, cervical factor and others. Also, Clomid group therapy should not be initiated until a semen analysis has been completed.
Clomid and Other Ovulation Inducti
Somali pirates stretch out their attacks against worldwide ships in and all all from the Inlet of Aden, undeterred clinch the hindrance of stepped-up measureless naval escorts and patrols - and the increased non-starter classification of their attacks. Care of agreements with Somalia, the U.N, and each other, ships relationship to fifteen countries coxcomb defend the area. Somali pirates - who be subjected to won themselves up $200 million in deliver since outset 2008 - are being captured more as in numerous cases as not teaching minute, and handed upwards to authorities in Kenya, Yemen and Somalia on account of trial. Happy-go-lucky here are some up to tier photos of piracy touched in the crumpet the sea-coast of Somalia, and the widespread efforts to limitation it in.
[url=http://loislowe.com/travel/members/clomid-with-ovulex-69.aspx]clomid with ovulex[/url]
[url=http://de-geest.com/members/clomid-and-twins-nursing-journals-64/default.aspx]clomid and twins nursing journals[/url]
[url=http://zfw.jp/members/timing-of-intercourse-on-clomid-36/default.aspx]timing of intercourse on clomid[/url]
[url=http://www.hendricks.org/community/members/clomid-and-metformin-for-pcos-83/default.aspx]clomid and metformin for pcos[/url]
Obrigada AMIGA :D
TE guardo aqui ó S2
Te amo muitão